I typically find it hard to study when all I can think about is my next meal. I also find it hard when all you want to do is watch netflix all day. I have about 6 shows lined up waiting for the semester to end as much as I am. However, you're also not going to function straight if you actually watch a whole season while smashing down a taco.
By the end of this procrastination, you will fat and failure. It is important to give yourself a break, however an actual break not a day break.
As students we need to be thinking at our short term goals. If we think long term we will have an anxiety attack about whats ahead of us. Rather our short term goals such as watching the next season of Game of Thrones will keep us excited and anticipating our semester finishing.
Keep you brain trained by staying focus on the positive and on your text-book. We need to allow cognitive thinking because that 2000 word essay will not do itself I tell you.
In today'd digital age it is so easy for us to get distracted. Opening your phone just to stalk your own instagram, or watching some youtube video about something you absolutely would not search in any other circumstance will only end up stressing you out by the end of the day.
Stay relaxed. Having a break down is normal. Sweating because you have 500 words left and referencing to do for your paper at 5pm due when its currently 4:30 will make you work under pressure. Allow yourself to breathe and meditate once through out the day. It is crucial we know our priorities otherwise we'll never get anything done. Aim for just a pass, aiming for a distinction will make you insane if you know its not possible and at the end of the day a pass is all you really need to graduate.
Document a checklist of what you want to cover for that day. That little tick will make you feel like you have your life together. Set yourself a timetable and don't freak out if you don't follow it in chronological order.
What really counts at the end of the day is that you TRIED. Use your brain to assess the situation not to just to create thesis statements. Keep your eye on the prize. Put inspirational quote on your screensaver. Stay calm, stay positive and ironically stay relaxed.
Don't blow it.
Stay Hydrated!
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