It's easy to get restless waking up for your 9am tute and facing the hustle of commuting to uni. Then you realise after your tutorial you have a meeting for a group assessment and a 2 hr lecture following.
When is your chance to eat?
When is your chance to move a muscle before your next class?
Here are some healthy life hacks for a dedicated uni student that is locked in from little luxuries.
1. Make a smoothie for breakfast to kickstart your day when you're running late and you know you won't be able to squeeze that egg mcmuffin in.
Click this link for healthy smoothie ideas
I will also suggest to pre chop your ingredients or at least combine them together aside so that they are ready for you to blend the next morning.
2. Before hitting the road, pack some healthy snacks that you can nibble on in between classes. These can include; raw almonds, fruit (bananas are good as they are full of energy and can off you that kick to keep you full and boosted until lunch time or dinner. Other healthy snacks, include protein balls you can find them at boost for $2.
If you need something with abit more flavour and are feeling very peckish, it's good to pack some rice crackers spread with avocado or light cream cheese spread.
3. When taking the bus or train, stand up instead of sitting. This may seem difficult at first but your legs need some stretching out and some preparation for your day ahead of being buried behind a desk.
4. It'll be good to keep a food journal to help you stay motivated. If you don't want to make this nightmare seem a reality, use the back of one of your writing note pads, cause lets face it you're not going to write THAT many notes. Also, It may seem like once you eat a piece of cake tie journal becomes pointless. However as a matter of fact this is not the case, jotting down the calories in the piece of cake and your daily in take will In fact make you stricter on yourself. Allow that cake to be your splurge for the week and continue docking. This will eventually become force of habit and make you conscious of what you're ingesting in everyday.
5. "Deckcercise" the art of doing exercise behind a desk. This is actually quite fun and easy to keep your mind going and body running without feeling lethargic by the end of the day.
Click the link below to see a tutorial on the best desk exercises.
6. Set yourself a daily water consumption. Drink as much water as you can throughout the day to stay hydrated. Drinking a 600 mL iced tea or a can of Coke in one go, will only make you thirstier. Water will keep your hydrated and feeling more active when you drink it. If you have trouble keeping with your water target, take 2 bottles with you, that way they will eventually become too heavy in your backpack to carry all day. If this doesn't work try setting an alarm every hour to drink at least 100 mLs.
7. Always take the stairs!
It's as simple as that. Why get yourself standing for longer when you can get your body moving by taking the stairs and getting to your class quicker. Choose the walking lane on escalators to give yourself your daily workout you know you won't be getting anywhere else. This will also get you to drink water and keep active thought out the day.
8. Jog to class instead of strolling. You're about to sit on a chair for another hour, keep your body moving in between classes otherwise you will end up feeling restless and lazy by the end of the day.
9. Ensure you are sleeping enough for your next day. Taking power naps may seem relaxing at the time. However hogging a computer in the library for your little sleep is not only unfair but also unhealthy. Your body should stay upbeat and energized all day and this will be a result of a good nights sleep. A red-bull, or an extra large coffee will be able to cut it every time. Ensure you're sleeping at least 7 and a half hours a day to keep you loaded for your day of studying, if you have trouble trying to sleep at night, open one of your readings and give it about 30 seconds from there.
10. If you have trouble adhering to any of these practices, it's a good idea to change your diet or speak to a nutritionist who can guide you on some healthy eating strategies and healthy new mindset. This will allow you to function throughout the day not only as an individual but as a student trying to attain a degree.
Stay Hydrated!
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